Road safety training for companies


Training " Road Safety Driving Certificate – CCSR » of the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours aims to respond to the growing demand from businesses for awareness of road safety and eco-driving.

This training allows professionals:

  • To deepen and perfect their knowledge,
  • To improve their conduct,

Thanks to the skills acquired during the various theoretical and practical workshops.

Depending on the results obtained, the trainee will benefit from his certificate, which he can renew every 2/3 years.

Training CCSR is aimed at any person holding a driving license whose professional activity involves the use of a vehicle.

Did you know?

Road accidents are the leading cause of death in the workplace.

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

1/2 DAY

08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing and delivery of certificates
13h00: Lunch (optional)

Braking and prevention workshop
Vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit


08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing
13h00: Lunch
14h00: Theorical class
15h00: Practical workshops
17h00: Debriefing and delivery of certificates

Braking, prevention, vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Recycling course

08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing
13h00: Lunch
14h00: Theorical class
15h00: Practical workshops
17h00: Debriefing and delivery of certificates

Braking, prevention, vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

1/2 DAY

08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing and delivery of certificates
13h00: Lunch (optional)

Braking and prevention workshop
Vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit


08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing
13h00: Lunch
14h00: Theorical class
15h00: Practical workshops
17h00: Debriefing and delivery of certificates

Braking, prevention, vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Recycling course

08h30: Arrival of participants – coffee welcome
09h00: Theorical class
10h00: Practical workshops
12h30: Debriefing
13h00: Lunch
14h00: Theorical class
15h00: Practical workshops
17h00: Debriefing and delivery of certificates

Braking, prevention, vehicle control and eco-driving workshop

*Non-contractual photos


Only by reservation during the week

From 4 to 8 hours of training

Personal vehicle (included) or rental vehicle

certificate issued


The Track Club de Nevers Magny-Cours is a track dedicated mainly to driving courses. This 2 meter route is made up of 530 turns and a 15 meter straight.

This track can also be partially watered for the conduct of certain workshops.

A briefing room is also available for the organization of theoretical workshops.

The Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit is committed to selecting the best trainers.

Road safety training workshops

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Braking workshop

Braking system
Reaction time
Active and passive safety
Braking techniques
The impact of maintenance
Speed ​​and braking distance
Safety distances
Declaration phases

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit


Defensive driving
Managing the unexpected
Speed ​​adaptation
Environmental Analysis
Other users
Smooth and flexible ride
Security equipment

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Vehicle Mastery Workshop

Gaze and commands
Coordination of gestures
Limit risky behavior
Accident cause studies
Physical principles
Forces experienced by the vehicle
Loss of grip
Causes of loss of grip
Preventive measures

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Eco driving

Key points of eco-driving
Loading the vehicle
Vehicle maintenance
The tires
Fuel consumption
Reduce the emission of polluting particles

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Braking workshop

Braking system
Reaction time
Active and passive safety
Braking techniques
The impact of maintenance
Speed ​​and braking distance
Safety distances
Declaration phases

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit


Defensive driving
Managing the unexpected
Speed ​​adaptation
Environmental Analysis
Other users
Smooth and flexible ride
Security equipment

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Vehicle Mastery Workshop

Gaze and commands
Coordination of gestures
Limit risky behavior
Accident cause studies
Physical principles
Forces experienced by the vehicle
Loss of grip
Causes of loss of grip
Preventive measures

Road Safety Training, Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit

Eco driving

Key points of eco-driving
Loading the vehicle
Vehicle maintenance
The tires
Fuel consumption
Reduce the emission of polluting particles